Flash Decompiler Trillix 5.3
Build 5.3.1301 [Released: July 10, 2012]
- Added: Mac OS X 10.8 support
- Added: decompilation of SWF files embedded into a SWF file as binary data (nested SWF files)
- Added: basic conversion of SWF files with a standard Flash preloader (e.g. files with TLF texts)
- Added: basic decompilation of Adobe AIR applications
- Added: decompilation of Flash projects compiled in Flex 4
- Greatly improved: Flex 3 support (including states, effects, etc.)
- Fixed: application hanging when converting SWF into Flash CS5
- Fixed: failure of SWF files preview in Flash Decompiler player
- Update: Mac OS X 10.4 is not supported anymore. Minimum requirement is Mac OS X 10.5.
Flash Decompiler Trillix 5.0
Build 5.0.1110 [Released: May 11, 2011]
- Added: Flash files conversion into Adobe Flash CS5 file format (.xfl, XML-based FLA)
- Added: support of “Binary” tag in SWF elements tree
- Improved: data binding support in Flex files
- Improved: SWF to FLA conversion process is substantially faster now
- Fixed: functionality loss by some custom Flash components after SWF to FLA conversion
- Fixed: partial loss of ActionScript assigned to some buttons after SWF to FLA conversion
- Fixed: incorrect generation of return statement inside constructor in ActionScript
- Fixed: incorrect priority of binary arithmetic operators (+, -) in ActionScript 3.0
- Fixed: incorrect initialization of constants in ActionScript 3.0
- Updated: product registration is replaced with activation, either online or offline
- Updated: new Flash’in’App (2.6)
Flash Decompiler Trillix 4.2
Build [Released: September 2, 2010]
GUI and core
- Added: warning message if a SWF file doesn’t satisfy Adobe SWF File Format Specification
- Added: fixing mechanism for some SWF files that do not satisfy Adobe SWF File Format Specification
- Added: Spanish localization
- Fixed: issue with SWF files scrolling in Player window
- Fixed: issue with SWF file resources blinking when clicking them for preview
- Fixed: irrelevant state of “Enable/Disable dragging” button when “Fit to screen” mode is on
- Fixed: issue with “Other” option when setting extraction/conversion path
SWF to FLA conversion
- Fixed: incorrect rendering of “Blending” parameter with detection of motion tweens enabled
- Fixed: incorrect number of frames on the timeline in resulting FLA
- Fixed: incorrect detection of FLA version in some cases
- Fixed: conversion issue with components’ event handlers in SWF files with AS 2.0
- Fixed: incorrect text positioning while converting static text as text
- Fixed: issue with video conversion if it was placed on mask layer
SWF to Flex conversion
- Added: Flex locales support
- Added: Flex files can be now converted to their source format in demo
- Fixed: incorrect detection of SWF file background color
- Added: P-code preview for AS 3.0
- Added: support of Adobe Flash CS4 (v10) “vector” generics
- Improved: “Recover arguments’ names” option functionality (doesn’t apply to AS 3.0 now)
- Fixed: duplication of class members in AS 2.0
- Fixed: bug with AS conversion in Macromedia Flash 4 if variable’s name started with digit
- Fixed: incorrect conversion of “for each”, “try”, “switch” statements and “increment” operator
- Fixed: incorrect order of additional classes and interfaces in AS 3.0
- Fixed: incorrect detection of a packet name if a class implements interface
Flash Decompiler Trillix 4.1
Build [Released: September 15, 2009]
- Added: Flash 10 support
- Added: partial E4X (ECMAScript for XML) syntax support (addressing attributes via @) for AS 3.0
- Added: fscommand2 support for AS 1.0 and Flash Lite
- Added: Nice local variable initialization for AS 3.0
- Added: new Flash’in’App (2.5)
- Added: mute sound option
- Added: German, Russian and French localizations
- Improved: grayscale conversion (SWF version 10)
- Improved: AS decoder stability for obfuscated files
- Improved: compatibility with Mac OS X Snow Leopard
- Fixed: bugs with video, dynamic texts and mask layer during SWF to FLA conversion
- Fixed: Priority of % && || operators for ÐS 1.0
- Fixed: No braces in some settings of Action Scripts preview
- Fixed: work with user account
- Fixed: bug with mouse cursor
- Fixed: return from section of class or file static initialization
- Fixed: bug with scroll in ThumbsView (maximized window)
- Fixed: bug with mouse click on disabled ThumbItem
- Fixed: bug with default arguments for AS 3.0
- Multiple fixes and improvements in FLA engine
Flash Decompiler Trillix 4.0
Build [Released: May 27, 2009]
- Added: Adobe Flex files support in beta mode
- Added: different file icons for Adobe Flash and Adobe Flex files
- Improved: Action Script 3.0 engine
- Multiple interface improvements:
- Added: SWF files preview and playback
- Added: possibility to view SWF files info
- Added: possibility to preview SWF files resources
- Added: Action Script preview
- Added: possibility to choose resources to extract
- Added: possibility to process several files simultaneously