How can I order a product by Eltima?

First of all, we want you to know that you can purchase our software electronically and receive it securely and immediately after the payment. We hope you will find our software easy to buy and easy to use whatever country you live in.

  1. Define what you need: To know the link of the order form, start with our Products page
  2. Click “Buy Now” next to the product you need.
  3. Define the license type you need and the number of licenses to be purchased.
    Note: The order process is conducted by our official e-commerce resellers (cleverbridge AG, 2Checkout or FastSpring). They process payments for our products allowing you to choose among a wide range of payment options: credit cards, bank/wire transfers, checks, PayPal, purchase orders, etc.
  4. Place the Order Online: Fill in the order form completely. Enter end-user info into the Address form. If your billing address differs from your delivery address, please fill in the Billing Address form, as well.
  5. Install and Register the Product: After placing your order and paying for it, a direct product download link and license information will be delivered to you via e-mail.
    Note: For most of the products license information is to be put into the demo version of the software in order to get the full version.

Some other sales questions you might have:

Support Plan: When purchasing a license you can also order Urgent Support Plan, if you want your email requests to be treated with the higher priority.

Discounts: Make use of our Volume Discounts: the more licenses you purchase at a time the less you pay for one copy. As well as purchasing two or more different products by Eltima, you save money with the cross-selling offers. In addition to that you can benefit from our Promos:

Currencies: We are glad to give you the possibility to pay us in your native currency. If you don’t find your native currency on the form, select USD and your bank will do the conversion.

Backup CD: The CD made specifically for you will contain all your license information and setup file(s). It will be mailed to your physical address so that you can use this CD as a backup copy of your product.

Payment support: You can contact cleverbridge or BlueSnap directly via phone. Find their contacts here.

For any further questions, please feel free to contact us.