Method: createConnection
Adds new connection. The following parameters are used:
- serialPort – string parameter specifying serial port to be shared. If the port is virtual, serialPort is a name of symbolic link to the slave side of the created virtual port. Note that a virtual port’s name must not coincide with the name of already existing file. The folder where virtual port is created should exist, and you should have the right to create a file in this folder. It is recommended to use /tmp folder.
- virtualPort – boolean parameter describing whether the port is a real physical serial port (false) or a virtual one (true)
- netMode – unsigned integer 32-bit parameter, describing connection type. It can have one of the following values:
0 = TCP server
1 = TCP client
2 = UDP
Returns D-Bus node name if connection was successful, or blank line if an error occurred (for example, if the required serial port is already shared).
In the following example, real serial port # 0 is shared in TCP server mode:
evesec call /SEC manager createConnection \
string:'/dev/ttyS0' \
boolean:false \
Returned value:
string "__dev__ttyS0"
In this example, virtual port is shared in TCP client mode:
evesec call /SEC manager createConnection \
string:'/tmp/virt1' \
boolean:true \
Returned value:
string "__tmp__virt1"
Method: destroyConnection
Removes already created connection. The following parameters are used:
- serialPort – string parameter specifying serial port to be unshared
Returns true if connection was successfully destroyed, and false otherwise.
See also ‘destroy‘ method below.
In the following example we unshare real serial port # 0:
evesec call /SEC manager destroyConnection \
Method: getConnectionsList
Returns the list of available connections (shared serial ports).
evesec call /SEC manager getConnectionsList
Returned value:
array [
string "/dev/ttyS0"
string "/tmp/virt1"
Method: connectionName
Verifies whether the required serial port is shared. The following parameters are used:
- serialPort – string parameter specifying serial port name
Returns D-Bus node name if the required port is shared. Otherwise blank line is returned.
evesec call /SEC manager connectionName \
Returned value:
string "__dev__ttyS0"
Method: saveScript
Allows saving shell script which restores the current state of the program. The following parameters are used:
- filename – string parameter specifying the name of the file (with absolute path to it), where shell script will be saved
Returns true if the script file was created successfully.
evesec call /SEC manager saveScript \
Method: version
Returns the information about the current version of Serial to Ethernet Connector.
evesec call /SEC manager version
Method: changeRegistration
Allows registering your copy of Serial to Ethernet Connector.
The following parameters are used:
- userName – string parameter specifying the user name
- registrationKey – string parameter specifying registration key
Returns true if your copy of Serial to Ethernet Connector was registered successfully.
evesec call /SEC manager changeRegistration \
string:'User' \
Method: registeredTo
Returns registration info. If Trial version of Serial to Ethernet Connector is currently used, “Demo” value is returned.
evesec call /SEC manager registeredTo
Method: licenseType
Returns the information about license type of your copy of Serial to Ethernet Connector.
evesec call /SEC manager licenseType
Method: trialExpiryUnixTime
Returns the date (in seconds since the Unix epoch) of Trial version license expiration or zero if you have OEM license.
evesec call /SEC manager trialExpiryUnixTime
Method: trialPeriodLeft
Returns the number of seconds that are left before Trial period expires or zero if you have OEM license.
evesec call /SEC manager trialPeriodLeft
Method: quit
Stops Serial to Ethernet Connector daemon without saving its state. Use saveScript method before quitting to save its state.
Returns no value.
evesec call /SEC manager quit