SWF & FLV Player for Mac OS – Managing playlist

You may add Flash movies to SWF & FLV Player playlist using any of the following methods:

  • Add SWF/FLV files using program menu

Select File -> Add to Playlist option from the SWF & FLV Player menu and navigate to SWF/FLV files in popped-up dialog. New files will be added to existing ones in playlist (if any).

  • Drag-and-drop selected SWF/FLV files to Viewer or Playlist Editor windows. New files will be added to existing ones in playlist (if any).
  • Click  button in Playlist Editor window and navigate to SWF/FLV files you want to add to playlist. New files will be added to existing ones in playlist (if any).
  • Load previously saved playlist (SMP file) by selecting File -> Load Playlist option from the SWF & FLV Player menu and navigate to the required playlist file. This procedure automatically clears existing playlist before adding new Flash movies.
  • Select File -> Browse URL option from the SWF & FLV Player menu, type in URL address in the top textfield and click “Browse” button. Once the SWF & FLV Player loads all Flash animation at the specified web resource, mark the files you need to be open in SWF file list and click “Save” button. New files will be added to exiting ones in playlist (if any).

Removing Flash movies from the playlist

To remove files from SWF & FLV Player playlist simply select the necessary files you want to remove and click  button.

Removing all Flash movies from the playlist

To clear playlist select File -> Clear Playlist option from the SWF & FLV Player menu.

Reordering Flash movies in the playlist

Activate SWF & FLV Player playlist if it is not activated (click Playlist button at the Movie Controls window or select Window -> Playlist option from the Main menu). Select movies you want to reorder and drag them to the place where you want them to be.

Saving playlist into a file

In case you want to quickly open currently played files in the playlist in future, you may save playlist into a file and load it whenever you need it. To save the playlist select File ->Save Playlist option from the SWF & FLV Player menu and specify file name and location where you want to store it. Playlist file has SMP extension.

Loading previously saved playlist file

To load previously saved playlist file select File -> Load Playlist option from the SWF & FLV Player menu and navigate to the necessary SMP file.