SWF & FLV Player 3.8
Build [Released: May 6, 2009]
- Added: possibility to choose background color for FLV files
- Added: possibility to disable screensaver during full-screen playback
- Fixed: bug with current frame capture
- Fixed: several minor bugs
SWF & FLV Player 3.8
Build [Released: April 17, 2009]
- Updated: Spanish localization
- Fixed: bug with converting a SWF file into image series
SWF & FLV Player 3.8
Build [Released: April 13, 2009]
- Added: new version of Flash’In’App used (2.0)
- Added: Spanish localization
- Improved: several engine enhancements
- Fixed: several minor bugs
SWF & FLV Player 3.8
Build [Released: February 13, 2009]
- Fixed: minor bug in “SWF file list” while using “Download online Flash movies” feature
- Fixed: some other minor bugs
SWF & FLV Player 3.8
Build [Released: February 10, 2009]
- Improved: stability of “Download online Flash movies” option
- Improved: estimation of FLV movie duration while playback
- Fixed: Player crash when “Download online Flash movies” option is applied
- Fixed: several minor bugs
SWF & FLV Player 3.7
Build [Released: July 28, 2008]
- New version of Flash’In’App used (1.1)
- Improved: several engine enhancements
- Fixed: minor bug in detection of FLV size (weight, height)
- Several fixes in “Download online Flash movies” feature
- Fixed: several bugs and glitches
SWF & FLV Player 3.7
Build [Released: May 21, 2008]
- Several stability enhancements
- Fixed: downloading online Flash movies in MacOS 10.4
- Fixed: bug in Flash movies names saving while using “Download online Flash movies” feature
- Fixed: several bugs and glitches
SWF & FLV Player 3.7
Build [Released: May 20, 2008]
- Updated: French, German, Japanese (Tadahisa SUGISAKI) localizations
- Improved: overall application stability and speed
- Fixed: bug in movie playback freezing when player window is inactive
- Fixed: several bugs and glitches
SWF & FLV Player 3.7
Build [Released: April 8, 2007]
- Added: auto update mechanism
- Updated: minimal system requirements (now starting from MacOS 10.4)
- Several stability enhancements
- Fixed: bug in playing SWF files from the playlist in fullscreen mode
- Fixed: minor bug in “Download online Flash movies” feature
- Fixed: determination of FLV movies length (see restrictions in “Known issues” section)
- Fixed: several bugs and glitches
SWF & FLV Player 3.6
Build [Released: December 6, 2007]
- Updated: version of Adobe Flash Player plugin (now
- Improved: overall application stability and speed
- Fixed: some menu issues when using French localization
- Fixed: minor bug in “Download online Flash movies” feature
- Fixed: several bugs and glitches
SWF & FLV Player 3.6
Build [Released: November 27, 2007]
- Added: Leopard support
- Added: Safari 3 support
- Added: ability to resize Flash movie using mouse scroll
- Added: FLV extension (*.flv) is added automatically to Flash file when saving it to hard disk while using “Download online Flash movies” feature
- Improved: “Download online Flash movies” feature. Now duplicate sub-resources are not added to resources list
- Improved: several engine enhancements
- Fixed: bug in images sizing (formerly size of exported image was more than the original SWF file)
- Fixed: minor bug in progress bar while using “Download online Flash movies” feature
- Fixed: minor bug in FLV files duration representation
- Fixed: other minor bugs and glitches
SWF & FLV Player 3.5
Build [Released: October 4, 2007]
- “Download online Flash movies” feature does not work if you have Safari 3 Beta installed in your system
- Fixed: representation of loading resources when Safari 3 Beta installed
- Fixed: minor bugs
- Updated: Japanese localization (thanks to Tadahisa SUGISAKI)
SWF & FLV Player 3.5
Build [Released: September 20, 2007]
- Added: integration with browsers (see details in this section)
- Added: ability to preview whole sites with Flash movies by enhanced “Download online Flash movies” feature
- Added: history of visited URLs in “Download online Flash movies” feature
- Added: ability to display not only SWF and FLV files but all web page resources (pictures, java scripts, etc) while using “Download online Flash movies” feature
- Added: you are able to write in web address without “http://” prefix now
- Minimum system requirements are refreshed: now starting from Mac OS X v10.3.9
- Improved: SWF and FLV saving mechanism by means of giving new name for each file
- Improved: overall stability of “Download online Flash movies” feature
- Fixed: minor bug with resources representation in “SWF info”
- Fixed: other several bugs and glitches
SWF & FLV Player 3.0
Build [Released: August 3, 2007]
- Changes in interface: “Browse URL” feature is renamed to “Download online Flash movies”
- Improved: 1:1 (restore to original size) function
- Playlist management algorithms enhanced
- Fixed: minor bugs
SWF & FLV Player 3.0
Build [Released: May 21, 2007]
- Added: traditional Chinese localization (thanks to You Shang Yee)
- Improved: FLV playing mechanism
- Fixed: determining original size of movie
- Fixed: several minor bugs
SWF & FLV Player 3.0
Build [Released: February 28, 2007]
- Fixed some stability issues and occasional crashes on player startup
- Extremely long playback stabilized, we prevented crash and even with more memory occupied SWF & FLV Player works fine
Playlist management algorithms enhanced - Some bug fixes and internal improvements
SWF & FLV Player 3.0
Build [Released: February 18, 2007]
- Fixed critical issue with SWF movies and their external resources loading when advancing the playlist
- Several interface fixes and playlist minor enhancements
- FLV behavior and conversion into images improved
SWF & FLV Player 3.0
Build [Released: February 13, 2007]
- Added: Czech localization (thanks to Tomas Beran)
- Added: Full Flash 9 support
- Added: “Float on Top” option for Movie Window
- Added: Ability to make screenshot of the current frame
- Added: Ability to convert SWF movie into series of images
- Changed: Free version of SWF & FLV Player enables full playback of FLV movies
- Changed: Interface design and settings
- Changed: Full playback of FLV movie in SWF & FLV Player free version (previously it was played for 15 seconds)
- Changed: Minimum system version requirements (MacOS X 10.3)
- Changed: Ability to use zooming when “Allow native dragging” is enabled
- Improved: Mechanism of jumping to the next/previous item in the playlist when “Shuffle” is on
- Improved: Mechanism of sending keyboard events to SWF
- Improved: Application’s stability and speed
SWF Movie Player 2.0
Build [Released: December 19, 2006]
- Fixed an important issue with playing SWF/FLV files from YouTube.com
- Updated FLV playing mechanism
- Several playback issues fixed to make it smoother
- About 20 minor fixes and enhancements
SWF Movie Player 2.0
Build [Released: November 23, 2006]
- Native Flash dragging is now fully support: new option “Allow native dragging” added (note: in this case zooming is disabled)
- Several minor post-release enhancements
- Minor stability issues fixed
SWF Movie Player 2.0
Build [Released: November 20, 2006]
- Added: the possibility to set FLV playing at the original size
- Improved: application stability
- Enhanced: SWF Info (video in sprites are now also listed)
- Fixed: player crashing at application startup and adding files to an empty playlist
SWF Movie Player 2.0
Build [Released: October 23, 2006]
- Improved: application stability and speed
- Fixed: “Browse URL” dialog handling while previewing SWF file
- Fixed: Volume control updating mechanism
- Fixed: Mouse events handling when moving application to secondary monitor
- Fixed: Focus switching/setting events (in textfield and text area controls)
SWF Movie Player 2.0
Build [Released: September 4, 2006]
- Hot offer: SWF Movie Player PRO is now supplied for free to everyone ordering Flash Optimizer for Mac
- Added: German localization (thanks to Christian Maus)
- Fixed: Issue related to Zoom Drawer re-drawing/updating mechanism
- Fixed: “Preferences” dialog closing procedure
- Fixed: Full-screen mode switching issue when using more than 1 desktop
- Updated: Japanese localization
SWF Movie Player 2.0
Build [Released: August 30, 2006]
- Improved: URL address string (“Browse URL”/”Open URL” options) is brought to RFC 2396 standard, which means that URL is Unicode compliant from now on
- Improved: Application exiting behavior (when closing Viewer window SWF Movie Player will not quit)
- Improved: Windows positioning on the first launch (from now on they are centered)
- Changed: FLV movie is previewed for 15 seconds in SWF Movie Player free version (previously it was played for 5 seconds)
- Fixed: Movie controls buttons state
- Fixed: Fullscreen switching behavior when using context menu is corrected
- Fixed: Switching to/from fullscreen behavior when sheet windows are open (now all windows are modal)
- Fixed: All remote Flash movie resources are loaded asynchronously from now on
SWF Movie Player 2.0
Build [Released: August 26, 2006]
- Improved: SWF Movie Player stability and speed
- Fixed: “Unexpectedly quit” problems on Intel-based Mac
- Fixed: Several other minor bugs
SWF Movie Player 2.0
Build [Released: August 19, 2006]
- PRO version is now available
- Added: Ability to save currently played SWF file no matter whether it is local or downloaded from the web page (PRO version only)
- Added: Preview and downloading of on-line Flash animation from any web site
- Added: Open Flash animation at the specified URL address
- Added: Ability to play/preview Flash Video (FLV) files
- Added: Fully customizable playlist (save, load, reorder)
- Added: Full-screen Flash movie playback
- Added: Jumping to a specific frame (time for FLV files)
- Added: The number of frames/duration information to playlist window
- Improved: Stability and speed
- Improved: Loading SWF external resources mechanism
- Improved: Interface design and quick commands access
- Changed: Fit the player window to movie size
- Changed: Minimum system version requirements (MacOS X 10.2.7)
- Fixed: Several minor bugs
SWF Movie Player 1.3
Build [Released: April 10, 2006]
- Fixed: The bug when playing SWF files created by Apple Keynote
- Improved: stability and speed
SWF Movie Player 1.3
Build [Released: April 1, 2006]
- SWF Movie Player is now a universal binary which means it runs natively on both PowerPC and Intel Macs
- Improved: stability and speed
- Fixed: errors when opening some files using drag’n’drop
SWF Movie Player 1.2
Build [Released: February 03, 2006]
- Added: Italian localization (thanks to Claudio, Creative Shield http://ShieldNet.tk)
- Improved: ZoomView window behavior
- Improved: Projector files openning
SWF Movie Player 1.2
Build [Released: January 09, 2006]
- Added: Support of Mac OS and Windows Macromedia Projector files
- Improved: Wrong file format recognition
- Improved: Application’s stability and resource efficiency
- Fixed: “Cancel” button behavior in “Preferences” dialog
- Fixed: Forward and Backward buttons behavior
SWF Movie Player 1.1
Build [Released: January 04, 2006]
- Added: Japanese localization (thanks to Tadahisa SUGISAKI)
SWF Movie Player 1.1
Build [Released: December 28, 2005]
- Added: French localization (thanks to Ronald Leroux)
- Added: Default SWF files icon associated our player could be applied
- Fixed: Few issues with mouse pointer
SWF Movie Player 1.1
Build [Released: December 23, 2005]
- The first official release.