Virtual Serial Port Driver Guide

Bundle Tree

Olga Weis in Virtual Serial Port Driver Guide 10 Mar 2021, 20:19 | 0 comments

In the Bundle tree panel, you’ll find all the bundles you have at the moment:

Bundle tree

The icon in front of a port name differs according to a bundle type and a port type:

A bundle pair of virtual ports COM3 and COM4:

COM3 and COM4
A split port bundle where the real port COM1 is split into two virtual ports COM3(Main) and COM4:

A joined port bundle where two real ports COM1(Main) and COM2 a joined into the virtual port COM3:

joined port bundle
A merged port bundle where three port are merged: COM1(real), COM3(virtual), and COM4(virtual):

merged port bundle

A bundle switch where the virtual COM3 port will connect to the real port COM1 or the real port COM2, depending on which one is free at the moment:

bundle switch
A redirect bundle where all the traffic from the real port COM1 will be redirected to the virtual port COM3:

redirect bundle
A redirect bundle where all the traffic from the real port COM1 will be redirected to the real port COM2:

A shared bundle where the app Terminal.exe operates the real port COM1:

shared bundle
A complex port bundle with the real port COM1(Main), the virtual port COM3, and the shared port COM5 on the IN-side, and the real port COM2, the virtual port COM4(Main), and the shared port COM6 on the OUT-side:

A loopback bundle of a virtual COM3 port:

loopback bundle