Since Folx version 2.0 you can subscribe to RSS feeds via Folx interface. You will track updates from your favorite websites and torrent trackers just in several clicks, without necessity to install additional RSS readers.
Moreover, you will be able to download files, attached to RSS feeds. Besides, torrents can be downloaded either from the feed’s attachment or directly from the feed’s text if it contains links to .torrent files. PRO version users can also fully automate the process of detecting and downloading files, available in RSS feeds.
RSS feeds are displayed in Folx sidebar (just under Smart groups):
How to:
Add RSS feeds directly from Folx interface
Unsubscribe from feeds added to Folx
Requirements to feeds added to Folx
Add RSS feeds to Folx from web browsers
Add RSS feeds directly from Folx interface
To add new RSS feed to the list, do the following:
1. Go to Folx Main menu and choose “Add RSS Feed” option. Or right-click any RSS feed in Folx sidebar and choose “Add RSS Feed” option from the context menu:
“RSS Feed Options” window will be invoked:
2. In the invoked “RSS Feed Options” window customize several settings:
3. Check “Use security options” box if you need to specify security info (login and password) in case the RSS feed requires authentication. Click “Show security options” button to invoke this window and type login and password there:
If the RSS feed requires cookies, you have to indicate them here. This info might help you find cookies for a website:
1. Safari users will find cookies in Preferences –> Security tab –> Show Cookies button.
2. Firefox users will find cookies in Preferences –> Privacy tab –> Remove individual cookies option.
3. Opera users will find cookies in Preferences –> Advanced tab –> Cookies option.
4. Once all options in “RSS Feed Options” window are set, click “Apply” button. New RSS subscription will be added to Folx, so you can receive news feeds from your favorite website or tracker and download files provided through RSS feeds.
Unsubscribe from RSS feeds added to Folx
To unsubscribe from RSS feed, highlight it in the list and choose “Delete RSS Feed” option from the context menu:
Requirements to feeds added to Folx
Using Folx, you can subscribe to web feeds in RSS format (v.2.0). Atom feeds are currently not supported.
In case RSS feed was added incorrectly (wrong link, unsupported feed format, etc.), you will see this icon next to the RSS feed name:
Please, choose “Edit RSS Feed” option from the context menu and correct the subscription info.
Add RSS feeds to Folx from web browsers
You can configure your browser settings so that Folx becomes default RSS reader in your browser.
So the next time you click RSS icon at a website, Folx “RSS Feed Options” window will be invoked at once, where you can configure subscription settings and add this subscription to Folx right away.
Here are several examples of how to make Folx the default RSS reader in your browser:
- Firefox
Go to Firefox Preferences –> Applications tab. In “Content Type” column locate “Web Feed” and choose “Use other” option from the drop-down menu. Browse to Folx and click “Open” button.
- Safari
Go to Safari Preferences –> RSS tab. Find “Default RSS reader” option and click “Select” from the drop-down menu. Browse to Folx and click “Select” button.
- Flock
Go to Flock Preferences. In Applications tab locate “Web Feed” and choose “Use other” option from the drop-down menu. Browse to Folx and click “Open” button.