Managing Signal Lines in Connections

To make signal lines settings available, follow the next steps:

Activate Advanced mode by clicking the corresponding toolbar button. Then switch to “Signal lines” tab. The following set of features is available:


  • Port signal lines states when connection is not established
Here you can change state of DSR, CTS and CD signal lines when connection has “Disconnected” status in “client” connection or there are no connected clients in case of “server” connection.Note: This option is not available if you are creating UDP connection.

  • Port signal lines states once connection is established:
You are able to manage the same signal lines (DSR, CTS, CD) states at the moment when connection is already established.
  • Allow or deny changing certain signal lines states when using Telnet:
If you are using Telnet data transmission protocol in your connection you can allow or deny changing DSR, CTS and CD signals state.
Note: This option is not available if you are creating UDP connection.